Chiasmus Structure

Chiasmus Structure is the name of my new band. Just kidding. Actually, I was outlining Genesis the other day and it just wasn’t working out. I felt like it wasn’t flowing and that I was cramming it into a literary structure that was never intended. So, I thought to myself (or the Holy Spirit said), I wonder if the ancient Hebrews had a different way of outlining their literature. Turns out I was right. There is an ancient form of literary structure called chiasmus and it will help make much better sense of much of the Bible.

What is chiasmus? I will defer that question to

For some examples of chiasmus, check out this

It has been a wonderful discovery and the chiasmus structures in the creation account of Genesis punches holes in the JEPD theory


Anonymous 2:27 AM  

These posts aren't to shabby there Mikey! Keep up the good work :).