Finding familiar revelation
I just finished reading Bill Johnson's book "Dreaming With God" and felt the Lord used it to confirm some things He has revealed to me.
In the book, Bill writes that Scripture is multidimensional:
The Word of God is living and active. It contains divine energy, always moving and accomplishing His purposes. It is the surgeon's knife that cuts in order to heal. It is balm that brings comfort and healing. But the point I wish to stress is that it is multidimensional and unfolding in nature. For example, when Isaiah spoke a word, it applied to the people he spoke to - his contemporaries. Yet because it is alive, much of what he said tehn has its ultimate fullfillment in another day and time. Living words do that.
That is what I wrote about in my post called "Multi-Dimensional Scripture"
Bill also writes about growing in favor and equates favor with grace:
But I do know this - if Jesus needed more favor from God to complete His assignment, how much more of an increase do I need!
As with most everything related to the Kingdom of God, we receive increase through generously givingaway what we have. It is no different with favor - grace.
That is what I wrote about in my post "This Thing Called Grace"